Hello, world!

This is my small website to learn brush up web development skills and learn some new things. As such, even if I know some things I'm going to probably spell them out like a website from 1993 for my own practice and learning. Please bare with me during this process! I decided to make it about my favorite board game, Root - The Woodland Game of Might and Right, by Cole Wehrle and Kyle Ferrin of Leder Games.

My goal is to get more comfortable with:

In Root, the goal of the game is to amass points by fufilling faction goals and killing your opponents troops, leading your armies to victory and control over the forest.

Here is the box to the main game: (There are also several expansions... we'll get into that later.)

The box for the Root base game, featuring cute little animals killing each other to the roar of burning down forest. Metal.

Anyway, there isn't much here yet, but for now you can check out Leder Games' website for the game here to learn more about it until I get up and running.